St. Kateri Tekakwitha Region held its annual chapter in September, and in doing so it made history – as local ministers and delegates joined the regional executive council virtually via Zoom video conferencing.
The virtual chapter, necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, took place with barely a hitch over two days. Friday evening, Sept. 11, was devoted to the business of the order, with ministers and delegates hearing reports from the REC and voting to approve a $42,800 budget for 2021.
Saturday’s session was open to any member in the region and featured three presenters:
- National Formation Chair Diane Menditto:, who spoke on the topic of “Fraternity”.
- National Formation Commission member Justin Carisio, who discussed, “Francis of Assisi, Penitent”.
- National Spiritual Assistant Fr. Christopher Panagaplos, TOR, spoke on: “Discernment, Being Open to the Life of the Gospel and Conversion”.
Regional Minister Mary Momot, OFS, welcomed everyone then turned the Zoom gathering over to Vice Minister Carol Ornuffer, OFS, who served moderator.
She reviewed some demographics, noting the region was composed of 23 fraternities, 371 professed members and 26 candidates. Two spiritual assistants serve the regional council, and another 16 serve local fraternities. They include friars, sisters, diocesan priests, deacons and Secular Franciscans.