The 18th Quinquenniala Congress takes place July 3-7, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. The theme is: "Why Francis? Claim the Gift!"
"We are encouraging every fraternity that is able, and every region, to send at least one representative," notes Clare McCluggage, SFO, who is co-chairing the Q with former National Minister Patrick Mendes, SFO.
She said attendees will not only be edified, but also find a time of descerming -- like a Chatper of Mats.
Programming will be centered around a series of questions to help Secular Franciscans revisit the vision and to claim the gift that Francis left us.
Keynote speaker is Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF. Other featured speakers:
• Br. William Short, OFM.
• Pat Brandwein-Ball, SFO.
• Ed Shirley, SFO.
The Q's registration form and tentative schedule are available at left.