Joseph Nangle, OFM
Pat Brandwein-Ball, SFO
Summer Seminar at Loretto
To Focus on 'Peace & Justice'
Secular Franciscans from across the country will again gather in the beautiful setting of the rolling Alleghenies, surrounded by buildings named after famous Franciscans or Franciscan places, for an unique learning adventure at St. Francis University in Loretto, PA, from Thursday evening, June 24, through Sunday afternoon, June 27, 2010.
The topic for this year’s Secular Franciscan Seminar is Peace and Justice.
The National Fraternity endorses and strongly encourages participation, which will be limited to 100 participants.
The presenters are Fr. Joseph Nangle, OFM, and Pat Brandwein-Ball, SFO.
Friar Joseph serves as the treasurer and secretary for the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) Board of Directors. He recently retired from Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) in Washington, DC, of which he was a co-founder.
Pat has served on the National Fraternity (NAFRA) Executive Council, the NAFRA Ad Hoc Committee on Apostolic Commissions, as chair of the NAFRA Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Transition Committee, and was recently appointed NAFRA’s JPIC interim chair.
The total cost for the weekend is $240 for single room, and $200 per person for double room, which includes room, meals, campus shuttle, and registration fee. After April 30, fee goes up to $265 and $220, respectively. Priority will be given to those who are willing to share their room.
Seminar Flyer & Registration Form