NASHVILLE, TN -- "Coming together as lay Franciscans in the name of the Poverello gives you a unique perspective" counter to the world's assumption that materialism and status constitute success, Nashville Bishop David R. Choby told 61 regional ministers, officers and guests at the opening mass of the Secular Franciscan Order's National Chapter on Oct. 14.
It's part of the irony of the Gospel message, he said, such as when the apostles were arguing who was the greatest among them, just before Jesus was to speak of his willingness to sacrifice himself for all mankind.
"He became the antidote to human pride, the antidote to what makes us pull away from God."
The irony continues, he said, citing "the field in which the seed of God grows" -- a virgin, a ragamuffin band of apostles, and a man from Assisi in love with poverty.
"True happiness, peace and joy is to be found in poverty of the spirit& The apostles learned this reality."
Bishop Choby added: "I pray that God will be present to you& and that you find joy in being the poor ones of God."
Media Contact: Robert Stronach, SFO
Bishop David R. Choby